Have you been in place that you felt like you had gone as far as you could go? Maybe in a job or a church or a position of some kind. It is normal for us to learn and grow to fit the position we are in. Sometimes we get to the point we just have no more room to grow. That is when it is time for a change. It is time to look for a bigger pot and get re-potted.
It’s like a plant that grows to fit the pot it is in, but doesn’t stop there, it will keep growing until its root bound in that pot… It has grown as far as it can grow. When a plant becomes root bound there is no more room for it to grow. There is not enough food supply in the soil to feed it and it will start to weaken.
Definition – What does Root Bound mean?
Any plant’s root system that is confined in a container for any length of time can become root bound. When a plant is grown naturally in the ground, it spreads its roots out throughout the soil. However, in a pot or container, the roots start to twist and rotate inside the pot until the plant becomes root bound.
In other words, the plant’s entire root system becomes bound by the container that holds it. Most root-bound plants are simply plants that have grown too large for their container or pot.
On occasion, plants grown outside near foundations, walkways, footers, or pipes can also become root bound if the plant’s roots cannot spread freely through the soil but are instead held prisoner by some barrier that inhibits their natural growth. (https://www.maximumyield.com/definition/105/root-bound)
The plant becomes bound by the container that holds it.
It becomes a prisoner to the barrier that inhibits its natural growth.
You can take that plant out of its pot and place it into a bigger pot, surround it with good soil, water it, and nourish it, and it will begin to grow again and flourish into a much more mature plant. If you are facing these feelings of being stuck or are experiencing a stunt in growth, it may be time to start looking for a bigger pot. Whether that is a change in position, a new job, or even a new church home. God does not intend for you to stay in a place where you can not grow. He had a bigger plan for you. Often times the Lord will make you uncomfortable in your present position in order to get you to move or open your eyes to see something better He has lying ahead of you.
If you feel like you have gone as far as you can go and your starting to get weak…Hang On! God is fixing to pluck you from that place and put you in a bigger place. He will surround you with everything you need, and you will flourish again!